What is the Assessment Correction?

An Assessment Correction service can be requested from September 2 through September 15 to strengthen the reliability of the benchmark results (formerly the Review Period). It is intended to be used in cases where the participant believes that they have made a mistake in data input during the reporting period, or a potential error was made in a validation decision. 

Making a Assessment Correction Request 

The Assessment Correction can only be requested directly in the GRESB Portal, where pricing information is also available. Requests can be made between September 2 and 15. 

Assessment Correction requests must be made at the reporting entity level (i.e., by submitting Fund, or Asset in the case of Infrastructure) in the GRESB Portal Assessment Services Shop. If you’re submitting Assessment Correction requests for multiple entities, it is mandatory to make a separate Assessment Correction request in the GRESB Portal and also submit one Assessment Correction form for each entity. This is so the GRESB team can ensure proper processing and invoicing. All requests are reviewed by GRESB and its third-party validation team at SAS.  

Important Note: Should you have any questions about why you missed points on an indicator or the reasoning behind specific validation decisions, please reach out to our team first by using our contact form prior to requesting a Assessment Correction in the Portal. Our team can advise on your specific question, or in the case of multiple questions, they can direct you to request a Results Consultation. 


Assessment Correction Request Invoicing 

Requesting a Assessment Correction in the GRESB Portal and submitting the Assessment Correction form means GRESB has permission to invoice the entity should one of the following conditions be met: 

  1. Data Input Change – the participant has made an error and would like to amend the submitted response (i.e. indicator checkbox selection, values reported in a table, asset-level data (Real Estate), supporting evidence, documents/hyperlinks). 
  2. Validation Challenge – The participant challenges a validation decision and upon additional review of the existing documentation by SAS, the decision is correct and remains unchanged.


Data Input Changes 

As stated in condition 1, requests related to incorrect data input can include editing indicator responses (i.e. checkbox selection), providing additional documentation or amending hyperlinks to support the indicator response, or editing performance data that was inadvertently left out in the original submission. Participants may not use the Review Period to supplement their performance data input with data that was collected after the GRESB submission deadline (i.e. July 1, 2024).  

When completing the Assessment Correction form, note that it is the responsibility of the participant to indicate the exact amendments that will be made to the response. GRESB will not be held responsible for validating new information that has not been explicitly indicated to us in the submitted form. In addition, GRESB reserves the right to check that additional edits have not been made beyond what was indicated in the Assessment Correction form. 

Once the Assessment Correction form is submitted, GRESB will process the request and subsequently re-open the Assessment. Once the edits are made, the participant must re-submit the Assessment. Data Input Changes related to adding new documentation to support an indicator response are subject to validation by SAS. 


Challenging a Validation Decision 

The entity will not be invoiced in the following case only: 

  1. The challenge of the validation decision is successful (i.e. the original validation decision is overturned without the need for additional documentation due to a validation error). 

Assessments do not need to be reopened if a participant is making a validation decision challenge, but a Assessment Correction must still be requested and a form submitted.  


Assessment Correction Request Process 

The GRESB Team will evaluate each Assessment Correction request on a rolling basis and get back to the participant within five working days with next steps. We will only take into consideration requests submitted within the official Assessment Correction process. Please request the Assessment Correction in the Portal and submit the Assessment Correction form prior to 23:59 CET on September 15. All decisions are final and cannot be appealed. 

How to request a Assessment Correction

Participants that want to take part in the Assessment Correction should: 

  • Log into the Portal 
  • Click on the name of the entity they would like to review, to “View Assessments” 
  • Click on “Assessment Services” 
  • Click on “Request Assessment Correction” 
  • Proceed with providing Billing Information 
  • Complete and submit the form