Results Consultation

A Results Consultation provides an in-depth understanding of your GRESB Assessment results, including detailed insight into the validation process and the allocation of points for individual indicators. You can use this information in your discussions with investors and to develop a plan for improving your performance in future years. The Results Consultation process is as follows:

The Results Consultation (formerly Results Review) is carried out by the GRESB team and features a review of your Assessment results as presented in the Benchmark Report, followed by a discussion call. After the discussion call, you will receive a Results Consultation report.

The Results Consultation are now available for purchase. Please bookmark this page for updates. You can request a Results Consultation via the Portal.

What are the benefits of a Results Consultation?

  • Provides an in-depth understanding of your GRESB results and position against peers.
  • Gives you a detailed breakdown of the allocation of points for individual indicators.
  • Identifies both short-term and long-term opportunities to improve performance.
  • Better insight into the validation process overall and for individual indicators.
  • Identifies responses that correspond with lost points. Clarifies any questions you have on the Assessment scoring, validation and benchmarking.

  • The Results Consultation is now available for request.

    The Results Consultation may only be requested as a supplement to a Benchmark Report. If you do not have a Benchmark Report, this must be purchased before requesting a Results Consultation.

  • Contact Member Relations for pricing information.

  • It takes approximately 2 weeks to perform a Results Consultation, including the review of your Benchmark Report, discussion call and preparation of the Results Consultation report.

  • No, unlike the Pre-Submission Check which takes place prior to the Assessment submission, the Results Consultation is conducted after you receive your Assessment Results, and changes to the Assessment cannot be made retroactively.

    However, the Results Consultation will provide you with an in-depth understanding of your GRESB results and your position relative to peers. You can use this information to develop a plan for improving your performance in future years.

    GRESB does not consult participants on the implementation of projects or governance procedures that could ultimately lead to an increase in performance.  Our Partners provide this service.  To learn more, take a look at our Partner Directory.

How do I request a Results Consultation?

You can request a Results Consultation via the Portal after the Assessment Results have been released. Please contact us with any questions.