This offline Excel file is designed to support GRESB members to report data requested at the asset level. Within this file, GRESB members define their portfolio boundaries and report performance data on Energy, GHG Water, Waste, Building Certifications, Energy Ratings and Efficiency Measures aspects.
The file includes two key resources to support accurate reporting:
- Instructions Tab: Offers detailed guidance on how to navigate the Asset Spreadsheet and meet data and requirements for each performance indicator. It lays out reporting requirements for each performance aspect, practical reporting examples, explanations for specific asset scenarios, and advice on calculating specific metrics.
- Data Dictionary Tab: Defines key terms and concepts related to performance indicators included the Asset Spreadsheet.
This version of GRESB Asset Spreadsheet is for reference purposes only. If you are a GRESB Participant Member, please go to the Asset Portal in the GRESB Portal where you can download an editable copy of the spreadsheet.