Mobius Carbon

Consultant Global Partners

Driven by the combined power of the UK’s most extensive real-time energy and metering datasets and steered by a leadership team with decades of industry experience, Mobius Carbon provides businesses with precise investment-grade analytics, insights and a end-to-end Net-Zero solution that reliably informs strategic decision making, promoting growth and aligning with core business objectives.

In a world rapidly pivoting to sustainable energy practices, real-time data and intelligence stands as the cornerstone of progress.
The platform is a tested, scalable, tech-forward solution delivering value for some of the most energy intensive businesses globally; processing up to 300,000 readings per second, boasting a history of 70 billion real-time energy readings stored and over 850 billion energy transactions processed.

AI-Powered Insights: The platform is augmented with dedicated algorithms and artificial intelligence, ensuring precision and foresight in:
Direct Energy Metering
Energy Forecasting
Carbon Accounting & Streamlined Reporting
Procurement Profiling
Asset-level Optimisation & Performance Benchmarking
Net-Zero Advisory

Mobius Carbon presents tools and services that position enterprises and investors at the forefront of the carbon and energy transition, identifying real-time risk and opportunity to enable long-term growth, performance optimisation, and measurable impact.

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