
Vincent van Bijleveld Director Global Real Estate Engagement Network

Global Real Estate Engagement Network (GREEN)

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GREEN (Global Real Estate Engagement Network is a collaboration of institutional investors/shareholders in listed and non listed real estate companies and funds. The network aims to ensure that the reits/ real estate companies they invest in improve their transition and physicial climate risk management. By collaborating, the engagement efforts are more cost-efficient and more effective. The members of the network have set out their call for action in an investor statement. ( Most recent engagement results can be found on

GREEN members (both indirect real estate asset managers and asset owners) like APG/ABP, CenterSquare, Wellington, Neuberger Berman, Robeco, MN/PME/PMT, Sarasin, Vert Asset Management, Testina, PF Retail, TNO, Nedlloyd, Hoogovens, Painters, Achmea, Philips, currently represent over EUR 2 trillion Assets.
