Global Infrastructure Investor Association (GIIA) is a member-led body representing many of the world’s leading investors and advisors in infrastructure. On their behalf, GIIA works with governments and other stakeholders to boost the role of private investment in providing infrastructure that improves national, regional and local economies around the world.
GIIA’s members – many of the leading fund managers, pension funds, insurance companies and sovereign wealth funds – own, operate and invest on a continuous basis more than $660bn of infrastructure assets, comprising 1,300 assets in 49 countries across six continents.
Through its advocacy and engagement program, GIIA aims to:
1. Make the case for private investment in infrastructure across the world through evidence-based advocacy.
2. Promote improved understanding and dialogue between governments and the private sector to create the right environment for private investment.
Working with its associate members, GIIA has an active events program covering UK, Europe, North America and Asia designed to provide market insights and networking opportunities for all
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