China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong and International Chapter Limited

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China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong and International Chapter Limited (hereinafter called “CRECCHKI”) was established on August 21, 2002 to be a non-profit making Hong Kong-registered Chapter of the China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce (hereafter called“CRECC”).

CRECCHKI is a real estate industry association, comprising of real estate investors, fund managers, developers, professionals, academics, and public agencies and associations based in Hong Kong, with overseas members throughout the world


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CRECCHKI hopes to serve as a trusted advisor and influential advocate with the government and policymakers, safeguard the common interest of the real estate industry and stakeholders, safeguard our members within and beyond the real estate profession worldwide, connect members within our local and international networks to foster business opportunities and professional exchanges and promote cooperation, information exchange and synergy with prominent industry associations in the Mainland and Hong Kong SAR, PRC as well as overseas.

