GRESB’s Asset Impact team launches new product for asset managers and owners to better manage growing transition risks and meet net zero requirements and targets

Amsterdam & Paris, July 9 — The Asset Impact team at GRESB is delighted to launch Transition Analytics, a specialized product designed for asset owners and managers to better manage transition risk, engage their portfolio companies with detailed insights, and meet their varied environmental commitments and reporting requirements. 

Transition Analytics provides users with the world’s most comprehensive asset-based emissions and activity database for 11 of the most emissions-intensive sectors – linking more than 148,000 physical assets to 3,000 listed companies with ownership stakes in these assets, along with their 32,000 listed and private subsidiaries.  

The absolute emissions and physical emissions intensity data – covering the current year and forecasted up to 2029 – enables asset managers and owners to gain a deep understanding of the climate impact derived from their portfolios. With Transition Analytics, users can set bottom-up sectoral targets in line with international guidelines, such as those from the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance or Net Zero Asset Manager Alliance; efficiently meet climate-related reporting requirements, such as the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR); and strategically allocate capital and manage future transition risks. 

“Asset managers and owners that are paying attention understand the business risks associated with climate change and are working hard to integrate them into their existing frameworks to minimize potential losses,” says Vincent Jerosch-Herold, GRESB’s Chief Product Officer for Asset Impact. “Our goal is to empower these institutions with the data and insights they need to protect their investments and decarbonize their portfolios from the bottom up.”   

Key features of Transition Analytics: 

  • Granular data and indicators: offering absolute emissions, physical emission intensities, and activity values across 11 climate-critical sectors  
  • Flexible aggregation levels: providing company-level, sector-level, and exposure-level data, ensuring maximum flexibility for reporting and target setting 
  • Forward-looking insights: allowing users to stress-test investment strategies up to 2029
  • Seamless integration: using identifiers and classifications like LEI, NACE, and ISINs as well as FactSet for easy company matching and hassle-free integration into existing systems 
  • Affordable and ready-to-use: reducing the burden of data processing and reporting, this accessible product is updated quarterly for continuous accuracy 

“Our solutions are already helping leading institutions like Barclays, BNP Paribas, and MassMutual navigate a complex and fast-moving environment,” says Michel Amar, Chief Business Development Officer for Asset Impact at GRESB. “With Transition Analytics, asset managers and owners with an eye on sustainability can also benefit from a streamlined set of advanced climate metrics and emissions forecasts. This will facilitate profound opportunities and strong wins for asset managers ready to lead in the climate space.”

To learn more about Asset Impact’s new asset-based data solution, please click here.

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Media Contacts 
Tyler Guthrie
Director of Communications, GRESB
[email protected]

About GRESB & Asset Impact 

Asset Impact is a suite of GRESB products that support the financial sector to assess and quantify the climate impact of investments using an asset-based approach. With a focus on the most energy-intensive sectors, Asset Impact products link carbon emissions of physical assets to corporate ownership trees, from direct owners to parent companies and the securities they issue.  

The database encompasses 366,000 physical assets tied to over 66,000 public and private companies, representing more than 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to providing historical and current emissions data, Asset Impact solutions integrate capital expenditure plans and commissioning and decommissioning schedules, providing a comprehensive outlook until 2030. 

GRESB is a mission-driven and industry-led organization providing standardized and validated ESG data to financial markets. Established in 2009, GRESB has become the leading sustainability benchmark and insight provider for real assets investments across the world.