Update on Data Exporter and Portfolio Analysis Tool

Updated November 29, 2024

The resolution of the recent challenges during the Review Period has been our absolute priority. For this reason, GRESB had to deprioritize other deliverables, such as the Data Exporter and Portfolio Analysis Tool. Please see below for a current update.

Data Exporter for Real Estate

The Data Exporter for real estate is now fully available for use in the GRESB Portal.

Released through a phased approach in the month of November, the Data Exporter now includes both fund-level variables and variables related to aggregated performance with data from the 2024 Assessment, enabling users to analyze scores, performance metrics, and management practices of the entities within their portfolios.

This latest update includes the addition of entity-level performance variables, such as energy, GHG emissions, waste, building certifications, and CRREM. With these updated variables, you can now gain portfolio-level insights into energy consumption, GHG emissions, water usage, waste generated, and percentage of floor area certified, as well as comparative insights on how the energy and GHG intensity of your assets align with CRREM decarbonization pathways.

Moreover, this final phase of the Data Exporter release includes additional entity-level metrics which are not shown on the Benchmark Report, such as:

  • Aggregated total on-site renewable energy generated and consumed by the landlord
  • Total GHG emissions minus purchased offsets for reported areas, measured in metric tonnes
  • District heating and cooling energy consumption within reported portfolio areas for the current year

A full list of variables is available in the Data Exporter. Further guidance on the Data Exporter can be found on the GRESB website.

Portfolio Analysis Tool

The Portfolio Analysis Tool is not yet available and is currently under development.