GRESB Public Disclosure

GRESB Public Disclosure provides investors and other stakeholders with a general overview of the ESG disclosures of listed property companies, and REITs.

The dataset covers major developed indices to provide GRESB Investor Members with a comprehensive understanding of the “Public Disclosure Level” of listed companies, in addition to insights from those that participate in the GRESB Assessments.

What is GRESB Public Disclosure?

GRESB Public Disclosure is a unique tool for investors to measure the material sustainability disclosures of listed property companies and REITs. Data is collected from more than 800 listed real estate companies and REITs listed in major real estate indices.

The evaluation is based on a relatively narrow set of ESG indicators that are aligned with the more comprehensive GRESB Real Estate Assessment. While different in scope, the related focus of GRESB Public Disclosure allows investors to compare the ESG disclosure performance between GRESB participants and non-participants. It also provides investors with a resource hub to access ESG disclosure documents across their full investment portfolio.

  • Disclosure of sustainability governance
  • Disclosure of sustainability implementation
  • Disclosure of operational performance data
  • Disclosure of stakeholder engagement practices

The reported data is validated, scored, and benchmarked, resulting in an in-depth analysis of the sustainability performance of companies and funds, both in absolute terms and relative to peers.

GRESB Public Disclosure

GRESB Public Disclosure Levels

The Public Disclosure information includes 23 industry-specific indicators, each of which is awarded zero or full points, depending on the availability of evidence found or provided by listed companies.

Combined, these indicators add up to a maximum of 100 points for real estate. Evaluated companies receive a GRESB Public Disclosure Scorecard with their Disclosure Level ranging from A to E.

Each company’s Public Disclosure Level is put into context by assigning it to a comparison group based on country and region as well as sector and market value. GRESB Investor Members have access to the Public Disclosure Levels and supporting information for all entities.

How GRESB collects data for Public Disclosure

Each year, the GRESB team collects ESG disclosure data for newly listed organizations from publicly available sources, adding it to the online GRESB Portal. Organizations covered by Public Disclosure can review and amend the public disclosure data collected by GRESB from April 1 through July 1, in parallel with the GRESB reporting period.

All data – collected by GRESB and amended by organizations themselves – are subject to GRESB’s validation process. Once added to Public Disclosure, companies are responsible for checking and updating their data.

How can I review my company’s Public Disclosure data and make amendments?

If your company is part of the GRESB Public Disclosure dataset and you have not previously accessed the GRESB Portal, contact us to access your company’s data. Reviewing and updating your data is free of charge.

If you have a GRESB Portal account, you can update your information by logging in now.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Public Disclosure Training

Additional resources

  • Which companies are included in the GRESB Public Disclosure datasets?

    The GRESB Public Disclosure datasets cover the core listed real estate universe, covering the major developed listed real estate indices. You can find updated lists here.

    How do I update GRESB Public Disclosure data pre-filled by GRESB?

    Pre-filled disclosure data can be updated when the GRESB Portal is open for participation between April 1 and July 1 each year.

    The steps to follow to update your GRESB Public Disclosure Data are set out in the Reference Guides linked below.

    Is my organization eligible for participation in GRESB Public Disclosure?

    All listed real estate companies whose core business includes owning and operating real estate assets are eligible for participation in GRESB Public Disclosure.

    More information can be found in the Public Disclosure Reference Guides linked below.

    Can I update GRESB Public Disclosure data without participating in the GRESB Assessments?

    Yes. All constituents are encouraged to update any pre-filled evidence so that it reflects their most recent ESG performance disclosures.

    Please note that you can only update Public Disclosure data when the Portal is open between April 1 and July 1 each year.

    How long does it take to update GRESB Public Disclosure data?

    If you are familiar with your organization’s website and the GRESB Portal, checking and updating the Public Disclosure Indicators should take no more than 20 minutes.

    Will participation in a GRESB Assessment impact Public Disclosure scoring?

    GRESB Public Disclosure and the GRESB Assessments are scored independently of each other.