Key dates: GRESB Assessments timeline

The GRESB Assessment cycle has a number of important dates to be aware of. You can find the timeline below. Please be sure to check back periodically to ensure you haven’t missed crucial milestones.

Real estate and infrastructure managers, companies, and asset owners and operators report their ESG data to GRESB on an annual basis. The GRESB Assessments open in April and submissions are accepted until the end of June, with preliminary and final results made available in September and October, respectively. See key dates in the table below. Please note that some details may be subject to adjustment.


Key dates for the 2025 reporting cycle.

Assessment Development
JANUARY Standards and Reference Guides pre-releases
Investors can review the 2024 Assessment Participants to calculate portfolio coverage before contacting managers to request participation in the 2025 Assessment.
January 15 through May 31: Participants can request the GRESB QuickStart service to quickly get familiar with GRESB and better navigate the assessment process.
Assessment Reporting PeriodAPRIL April 1: GRESB Portal opens for the 2025 GRESB Assessments.

Investors can use the “Invite” feature in the GRESB Portal to contact managers and prompt participation. The Response Tracker enables you to track the reporting progress.
Pre-Submission Checks (formerly Response Checks) can be requested from April 1 until June 20.
MAY Pre-Submission Checks
JUNE Pre-Submission Checks can be performed until June 27
Validation, Scoring and BenchmarkingJULY July 1: GRESB Assessment Portal closes on July 1, 23:59 PDT. This is the submission deadline for the 2025 Assessments.
AUGUST Validation starts
Scoring and benchmarking
August 1-15: “Customize Peer Group” functionality available to real estate participants
Assessment ResultsSEPTEMBER September 1: Launch of preliminary 2025 Real Estate and Infrastructure Assessment results for Participants only.
September 2-15: Assessment Correction (formerly Review Period)
Consultation PeriodOCTOBER October 1: Launch of 2025 GRESB Assessment results for Participants and Investors.

Results available in the GRESB Portal.
October 1: Results Consultation (formerly Results Review) can be requested until January 15.

Public results events
NOVEMBER Public results events
DECEMBER Public results events