Guidance for GRESB Investor Members

The GRESB Portal is designed to make your ESG engagement with your managers as productive as possible. It’s your attention to ESG benchmarking and transparency that is driving progress towards a future with more sustainable buildings and infrastructure.

Important updates to GRESB Real Estate scoring in 2024

In 2024, the GRESB Foundation implemented significant updates to the Real Estate Standards, ensuring they align more closely with evolving investor needs and sustainability priorities. These changes represent a major step forward but also have critical implications for the way scores are interpreted.

Changes to the Standards: In direct response to member feedback and with an emphasis on better reflecting investor needs, the 2024 updates were made to “raise the bar” on sustainability performance.

Impact on GRESB Scores: The new Standards resulted in a net decrease in average total scores by roughly 2 points across the Benchmark. These changes were necessary to mitigate unsustainable upward score trends and improve the differentiation between entities’ sustainability efforts. Due to the methodological updates, GRESB 2024 Scores are not directly comparable to previous years. While some individual indicators remain comparable, overall scores should not be viewed as a direct reflection of previous performance.

Recommendation for investors: We recommend investors dig deeper into the data and use peer group comparisons to assess performance. The updated Standards are designed to provide more meaningful differentiation, giving investors clearer measures of sustainability in comparison to their peers.

Please see more information on these changes.

ESG Coverage

GRESB ESG data and benchmarks cover USD 8.8 trillion in real estate and infrastructure value, including more than 170,000 geo-coded assets. We cover both private and public markets and data is reported to us at both portfolio- and asset-level. Our comprehensive coverage provides an unrivaled set of data and insights for the investment market.

See GRESB Assessment Participants

Increase your coverage

By encouraging your managers to participate in GRESB, you will be able to maximize your portfolio coverage for ESG data, and draw more meaningful benchmark comparisons and portfolio insights. You can share this dedicated webpage with your managers to help them understand why you want them to participate in GRESB. Additionally, we have created an example letter for you to download and send to your managers:

Template letter requesting participation in the GRESB Assessments

Track reporting to GRESB

To maximize portfolio coverage and achieve a full portfolio view, you can track Assessment reporting progress, contact account managers and request data access for your investments.

  • Track reporting progress
  • Contact Account Managers
  • Request access to ESG data

ESG data to inform your engagement

As an Investor Member, you can access data and analytics for your investments. You can view individual Benchmark Reports, analyze your portfolio in flexible ways, and export the data for additional analysis.

Benchmark Report

The Benchmark Report contains an indicator-level analysis of the ESG performance of your investments in both absolute terms and relative to peers. It is designed to identify areas of opportunity and risk in your portfolio and deepen your engagement with managers on sustainability issues.

Portfolio Analysis Tool

Using the Portfolio Analysis Tool, you can perform a portfolio analysis for self-selected groups of your investments, including applying weights and customized benchmarks. The tool provides insight into how each investment contributes to the portfolio’s aggregated ESG performance. It also provides a combined environmental footprint of the investment portfolio.

Data Exporter

The Data Exporter provides access to all data points in the Assessments. The datasets are available for download in .csv and .xlsx format so that you can integrate the data more easily with your existing portfolio management systems and use in your own modeling.

Carbon Footprint Dashboard

The Carbon Footprint Dashboard is an interactive tool that empowers real estate investors to explore and better understand the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of their GRESB real estate portfolios.

Engagement timeline

Assessment Development
JANUARY Standards and Reference Guides pre-releases
Investors can review the 2023 Assessment Participants to calculate portfolio coverage before contacting managers to request participation in the 2024 Assessment.
Assessment Reporting PeriodAPRIL April 1: GRESB Portal opens for the 2024 GRESB Assessments.

Investors can use the “Invite” feature in the GRESB Portal to contact managers and prompt participation. The Response Tracker enables you to track the reporting progress.
Pre-Submission Checks (formerly Response Checks) can be requested from April 1 until June 7.
MAY Pre-Submission Checks
JUNE Pre-Submission Checks can be performed until June 26
Validation, Scoring and BenchmarkingJULY July 1: GRESB Assessment Portal closes on July 1, 23:59 PDT. This is the submission deadline for the 2024 Assessments
AUGUST Validation starts
Scoring and benchmarking
August 1-15: "Customize Peer Group" functionality available to real estate participants
Assessment ResultsSEPTEMBER September 2: Launch of preliminary 2024 Real Estate and Infrastructure Assessment results for Participants only
September 2-15: Assessment Correction (formerly Review Period)
Consultation PeriodOCTOBER October 1: Launch of 2024 Real Estate and Infrastructure Assessment results for Participants and Investors.
Results available in the GRESB Portal.
October 1: Results Consultation (formerly Results Review) can be requested until January 15.

Public results events
NOVEMBER Public results events
DECEMBER Public results events

Not a GRESB member?

Learn about becoming a GRESB Investor Member, read case studies or talk to us.

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