Who can see my data that I have reported in the GRESB Assessments?

Real Estate Assessment Data Protection

Data is submitted to GRESB through a secure online platform. The data is never made public except in anonymized and aggregated form.

Non-listed real estate entities participating in the Assessment

As a participating manager, you need to give your explicit consent for GRESB Investor Members to see your data and GRESB Results.

  • Scorecard and Benchmark Report – GRESB Investor Members must request access to your Benchmark Report, in order to see your data and your GRESB Results. This request is made via the GRESB Portal and you are able to accept or deny the request with a simple click. This data is also made available to Investor Members in the Portfolios Analysis Tool and in the Data Exporter.
  • Asset Data – Asset data is reported through the GRESB Asset Portal. GRESB Investor Members are not able to request access to your asset data. If you choose to share this information with all your Investor Members, you can do so directly from the Asset Portal. Please note that you cannot provide access to GRESB Investor Members on a case by case basis.


Listed real estate entities participating in the Assessment 

  • Scorecard and Benchmark Report – GRESB Investor Members automatically have access to your data and GRESB Results. This data is also made available to Investor Members in the Portfolios Analysis Tool and in the Data Exporter.
  • Asset Data – Asset level data is reported through the GRESB Asset Portal. GRESB Investor Members are not able to request access to the asset data.  If you choose to share this information with your Investor Members, you can do so directly from the Asset Portal. Please note that you cannot provide access to GRESB Investor Members on a case by case basis.

First-year participants can opt-out of allowing GRESB Investors Members to request access to their data and GRESB results. This is referred to as a “Grace Period”.

Participants can choose whether the documentation uploaded as evidence for various Indicators is shared with Investor Members. This is done by ticking a corresponding checkbox. Otherwise, the evidence is only used for validation purposes.

Participants also have the option to disclose their scores to peers. This option is available under the reporting-entities data-sharing settings in the Assessment Portal page. By selecting “Yes”, participants agree to disclose their entity’s name and Component Scores with the rest of their peer group participants that have also opted-in. This information is visible in the online version of the Scorecard only and can be accessed by hovering over data points in the GRESB Model. It is important to note that once a participating entity has decided to disclose its score to peers, the action cannot be reversed after the submission deadline has passed.


Infrastructure Assessment data protection

Data is submitted to GRESB through a secure online platform. The data is never made public except in anonymized and aggregated form.

Non-listed infrastructure entities participating in the Assessment 

As a participating manager or operator, you need to give your explicit consent for GRESB Investor Members, or Fund Managers in the case of the Infrastructure Asset Assessment, to see your data and GRESB Results.

  • Scorecard and Benchmark Report – GRESB Investor Members, or Fund Managers in the case of the Infrastructure Asset Assessment, must request access to your Scorecard and Benchmark Report, in order to see your data and your GRESB Results. This request is made via the GRESB Portal and you are able to accept or deny the request with a simple click. This data is also made available to Investor Members in the Portfolios Analysis Tool and in the Data Exporter.


Listed infrastructure entities participating in the Assessment

  • Scorecard and Benchmark Report – GRESB Investor Members, or Fund Managers in the case of the Infrastructure Asset Assessment, automatically have access to your data and GRESB Results. This data is also made available to Investor Members in the Portfolios Analysis Tool and in the Data Exporter.

First-year participants can opt-out of allowing GRESB Investors Members, or Fund Managers in the case of the Infrastructure Asset Assessment, to request access to their data and GRESB results. This is referred to as a “Grace Period”.

Participants can choose whether the documentation uploaded as evidence for various Indicators is shared with Investor Members. This is done by ticking a corresponding checkbox. Otherwise, the evidence is only used for validation purposes.

Participants also have the option to disclose their scores to peers. This option is available under the reporting-entities data-sharing settings in the Assessment Portal page. By selecting “Yes”, participants agree to disclose their entity’s name and Component Scores with the rest of their peer group participants that have also opted-in. This information is visible in the online version of the Scorecard only and can be accessed by hovering over data points in the GRESB Model. It is important to note that once a participating entity has decided to disclose its score to peers, the action cannot be reversed after the submission deadline has passed.

For more information, please watch the below video, which applies to both Real Estate and Infrastructure.