The Template Tool provides an easy way to complete answers for sections of the Assessment that are applicable across several entities.You can complete the template to the degree suited for your organization. Note that indicators specific to the performance of the reporting entity’s portfolio are not included in the Template Tool. The complete list of indicators included in the Template Tool can be found below. You can find out more by watching this video.
To generate a new template you can either:
- Build a new template from scratch by selecting the option “Create template”; or
- Create a template based on an Assessment that has already been filled out by selecting the option “Create template from assessment”.
To edit a template, you can click on the template name and make amendments to the indicator answers. Indicators for which answers are not provided in the template will not be affected in the Assessments to which the template is applied.
To manage access to the template, you can click on the “Manage” menu and select “Access Rights”. There you can invite other users to collaborate on the content, manage access to the template, or use it for other users’ Assessments. Users who have been invited to use the template will be able to apply it to the Assessment(s) they are connected to.
To apply a template to other Assessments:
- Go to the Assessment Portal;
- Click on the reporting entity;
- Click on “More”, and;
- Select “Apply a template” from the dropdown menu.
Infrastructure Asset Template Indicators:
- LE3, LE4, LE5, LE6
- PO1, PO2, PO3
- RP1, RP2.1
- RM1, RM2.1, RM2.2, RM2.3, RM3, RM5.1
- SE2, SE3.1
- CU1
Infrastructure Fund Template Indicators:
- LE1, LE2, LE3, LE4, LE5
- PO1, PO2, PO3
- RP1, RP2.1
- RM1.1, RM1.2, RM2
- SE1, SE2, SE3, SE4
Real Estate Template Indicators:
- LE1, LE2, LE3, LE4, LE5, LE6
- PO1, PO2, PO3
- RP1, RP2.1, RP2.2
- RM1, RM2, RM3.1, RM3.2, RM4
- SE1, SE2.1, SE2.2, SE3.1, SE3.2, SE4, SE5, SE6, SE7.1, SE7.2, SE8
- TC2.2, TC5.1, TC5.2, TC6.1, TC6.2
- DRE1, DRE2, DRE3
- DMA1
- DEN1
- DWT1
- DWS1
- DSE1, DSE2.1, DSE4, DSE5.1, DSE5.2