IPF Research: Pathways to net zero in real estate, Insights from the Verco research team

Pathways to net zero in real estate

Join Verco’s webinar IPF Research: Pathways to net zero in real estate, insights from the Verco research team, on March 23rd to learn more about the research published by IPF into the transition of global real estate to net-zero carbon emissions. The IPF study included a review of existing industry efforts to frame net-zero, focusing on the variation in scope, stringency, and applicability of these schemes within the real estate investment industry. It concludes with a proposed set of principles for net-zero real estate and recommendations for investors.


Key topics discussed

  • A summary of key findings.
  • The insights that lead to the proposed principles laid out in the report.
  • Actionable tips for investors to implement the recommendations.
  • Opportunity for questions.


Both the full report and a summary version of the IPF research are available to view on the IPF website.

This event will take place at:
2:00 pm  GMT

Event details