Insights you will be able to draw from the GRESB Benchmark Report
The Benchmark Report shows you:
- The indicators where you are outperforming your peer group. You can use this information to communicate your achievements to your stakeholders.
- Where you are underperforming your peers – again on a highly granular, indicator-by-indicator basis – so that you can make informed decisions on how to improve your performance.
- The environmental (energy, water, carbon and waste) footprint of your portfolio in absolute terms.
- The environmental efficiency of your portfolio via energy, carbon, water and waste intensity data and how your intensity data compares to your peers.
- How your company/fund has performed between calendar years (including on a “like-for-like” basis for real estate portfolios)
- The validation level that has been applied to your data on an indicator level, providing insight into how robust your data is.
- All your trend data if you participated in previous years, enabling you to monitor how you are doing over time.
- The constituent names of your peer group as well as scores for the two dimensions that make up the GRESB Model (Management & Policy and Implementation & Measurement), if the participants in your peer group also opt to disclose.
- The same level of in-depth information on your performance that GRESB Investor Members receive*
*Investors in non-listed companies/funds/assets must request access to your results.
Ultimately, the Benchmark Report will help you to measure the effectiveness of your ESG program and inform your dialogue with investors. You’ll be able to make more informed business decisions to mitigate ESG risks, find improvement areas and enhance long-term returns.
How to read your Benchmark Report
- Real Estate Assessment
- Infrastructure Fund Assessment
- Infrastructure Asset Assessment
- Infrastructure Development Asset Assessment
*Note that these documents are applicable to the final Benchmark Reports launched in October.
How to get the Benchmark Report
The GRESB Benchmark Report is available in the GRESB Portal as part of Assessment Participation.
Contact us to see a sample report
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